a. Full legal name: Midway Fire District
b. Public purpose: The purpose of this act is to promote the health, welfare, and safety of the citizens and residents of Santa Rosa County who reside within the geographical limits of that area known as the Midway Fire District, by providing for: firefighting equipment; the establishment and maintenance of fire stations and fire substations; the acquisition and maintenance of all firefighting and protection equipment necessary for the prevention of fires or fighting of fires; the employment and training of such personnel as may be necessary to accomplish fire prevention and firefighting; the establishment and maintenance of emergency service; the acquisition and maintenance of rescue and other emergency equipment; and the employment and training of necessary emergency personnel. The district may provide Advanced Life Support services within the district’s boundaries. The district shall have all other powers necessary to carry out the purposes of the district as otherwise provided by law, including, but not limited to, the power to adopt all necessary measures, rules, and regulations and policies relating to said purposes.
c. Boundaries/service area: The lands to be included within the district are the following described lands in Santa Rosa County:
Begin at a point where the east line of Section 4, Township 2 South, Range 27 West, Santa Rosa County, Florida, meets the southern waters edge of East Bay; thence go South along the East line of Section 4 to a nail & disk #6679 in the center of State Road 399 (East Bay Blvd.), said point known as Point “A”; thence continue south along the east line of Sections 4, 9, 16, 21, and 28 of said township and range to a nail & disk #6679 in the center of Tidewater Drive; said point known as Point “B”; thence continue south along the East Line of Section 28 to the Northern Waters edge of Santa Rosa Sound; thence go westerly along said waters edge to a point of intersection with the eastern boundary of the city limits of the City of Gulf Breeze, Florida; said point being an 8 inch square concrete monument and known as point “C”; thence go northwesterly along said eastern line being, also being the east line of Section 2, Township 3 South, Range 29 West, and the east line of Section 34, Township 2 South, Range 29 West to the Northeast Corner of said Section 34; thence go westerly along the North Line of said Section 34 also being said city limits line to a 21/2 capped pipe known as point “D” thence continue westerly along said line approximately 2000 feet to the aforesaid southern waters edge of east bay; thence go easterly along said waters edge to the point of beginning.
Click MFD Boundary Map to activate a mapping link.
MFD-Boundary-Map.pdfd. Services provided to the residents include providing for firefighting equipment; the establishment and maintenance of fire stations and fire substations; the acquisition and maintenance of all firefighting and protection equipment necessary for the prevention of fires or fighting of fires; the employment and training of such personnel as may be necessary to accomplish fire prevention and firefighting; the establishment and maintenance of emergency service; the acquisition and maintenance of rescue and other emergency equipment; and the employment and training of necessary emergency personnel. The district also provides Advanced Life Support services within the district’s boundaries.
e. Midway Fire District's charter may be viewed here.
MFD-Charter.pdff. Statute or statutes under which the special district operates, if different from the statute or statutes under which the special district was established. Suggest including Chapter 189, Florida Statutes - Uniform Special District Accountability Act: N/A
g. Date established (effective date of creation document): Created in 1982 by Special Act of Legislation as Midway Fire Protection District and was re-created by Special Act of legislation in 2003 as Midway Fire District.
h. Establishing entity (legislature, county(ies), municipality(ies), or Governor and Cabinet): Special Act of Legislation Chapter 2003-364 House Bill 1225